Top 10 Compost Bins
We consider the best composting solution for your situation. No matter if you live on a large property, a residential house or an apartment. There is a Compost Bin, a Compost Tumbler Bin or a home made solution to suit you.

Kitchen Compost Bins
A Compost Pail, or Electric Food Recycler are the best way to handle Kitchen scrpas in your home, until you cam take them to your garden compost bin. There are many attractive and odor free Kitchen Compost Bins to choose from.

Top Watering Systems
Improved soil still needs a reliable, automated watering system. Regular, timely watering will maximize plant growth and yield. Choose from Wi-Fi controlled watering sytems, pre-set electric timers or manual drip line varieties.

Top 10 Water Filters
Our drinking water is also critical to our wellbeing, but most supplies are not ideal. Here are 10 top water filters solutions for pure water. Choose from single or multi stage water filters, or Reverse Osmosis Filters, below sink or Counter Top.

Why do Compost Bins and Watering Sytems Matter? The quality of water on our planet has a great deal to do with the availabilty of nutritious foods for our families and the very future of life itself.The study of life in water is called Hydrobiology. Through it, we understand the health of water, and, by extension ways to help improve it.As the most dominant life form on Earth, humans have by far the greatest negative impact on water quality. That water impacts all living things and effects our health directly. Along with water, we need good nutrition for health. Healthy foods come from healthy soils, and as luck would have it one of the best ways to improve the quality of Soil is the simple process of Composting
Deciding on the best Compost Bin for you is not all that complicated. It is a matter of working out how much space you can commit to your Compost Creation. How visible your Compost Bins will be, How much compostable material you have to work with, and how much of your own energy you are willing to devote to the process.
Once selected your Compost Bin or Tumbler will become a central part of your gardening and soil improvement process.
Consider The Factors That Affect Your Compost Most
Several factors influence the conversion time and quality of the compost you produce. Many gardening enthusiasts focus on the following variables for a solution that makes great compost and looks best in their environment.
1. The Mix
The type, size, and nature of the materials going into your Compost Bin have a great deal to do with what comes out. Too wet and your bin will smell awful, too dry a mix and nothing much will happen. Add the right organic manure to the right mix of material and the whole process comes to life.
2. Moisture & Heat
Your compost Bin will derive moisture from materials you compost, from rain , and from water you add. Depending on the bin you choose, and how you use it, heat will develop within the mix to speed up the maturing process. Of course all that changes if you choose to Compost with Worms
3. The Process
The quality of your Compost comes from balancing “wet” and “dry” meat-free ingredients, with the right balance of Heat and Moisture and Oxygen.Your nose and eyes are your guide. A smelly bin is too moist, a slow acting one probably to dry and in need of more frequent mixing.(Where a Compost Tumbler comes in).
4. Bin Selection
Compost bins are simplest and cheapest but need manual work to mix the Materials. Compost Tumblers take the labor out but are often smaller and more expensive. Old fashioned Compost Bays produce the most compost but require effort, and can look untidy
CHOOSE A COMPOST BIN – Often it comes down to your lifestyle. On a property,a series of bins or a strongly built home style Compost bay may work best. In a suburban back garden, simple Compost bins are fine unless they are a visual focus in which case a series of Compost Tumblers can look great. For an apartment balcony its hard to go past a Compost Tumbler or two.
Wi-Fi Remote Controlled Watering System
If you are comfortable with technology, these intelligent systems give you ultimate control no matter where you are. A control panel is mounted either inside or out and connected to an Electricity source. After that you can be driving systems with anywhere from 4 to 12 zones, you can alter settings, cycles, timers from your phone. Manage unexpected weather changes, or take care of your garden even during an unexpected abscence, business trip or Vacation.
- Convenient to use
- Highly Programmable
- Remote Access
- Ultimate Control
- Manage Holidays and Weather changes with ease
- Normally more expensive
- Need to be comfortable with Wi-Fi and Smart Phone technology
- Still need a back-up Human, if Wi-Fi access goes down
Locally controlled Irrigation Systems
Just like a Wi-Fi option, minus the technology. Connect to a power source, select the number of Zones you need to manage, preset the cycles and the timers, connect to the water source. These systems will do the rest, turning on when required, delivering the water to each zone in sequence, for the length of time required and leaving you free to do other things. Combined with sprinklers or drip systems they are a great solution if you don’t travel much or have a trusted neighbor to step in and make needed changes when you do.
- Automated,set and forget watering cycles
- Handles multiple zones and varying watering periods easily
- Somewhat less expensive than Wi-Fi options.
- Can be easily turned off if circumstances change
- Still needs patience to program
- Access to Control panel may be difficult depending on where it is installed
- Needs someone to turn it off in your absence (if Necesary)
- You cannot fine tune for weather changes easily.
Water Filter Options to Consider
Under Sink Water Filters
Some prefer to leave helpful minerals in the purified water they drink, whilst others prefer reverse osmosis to remove all the mineral content. In either case, a full spectrum, or multi stage Filtration system will usually mean an under sink installation. These systems are quite large with numerous components and require a bit of space. We have also found a number of smaller, under sink options that can be plumbed in easily, delivering purified water via your faucet and leaving your counter tops clear.
- Allows more comprehensive filtration Options.
- Suits multi-stage or Reverse Osmosis units
- Do not visually impact your kitchen design
- Will usually consume the entire under-sink Cupboard space
- Expensive (but long lasting) systems
- Will usually require profesional installation
Counter Top Water Filters
For situations where under-sink Installation is not an Option (limited space, access or perhaps in a rental situation). Countertop water filters, are now visually pleasing and won’t detract from your kitchen’s functionality. Whilst these units do not offer the multi-stage purification of the under sink water filters, they provide substantially improved,better-tasting drinking water. Choose from single cartridge filters delivering water on demand, countertop storage units or elegant, filtration aided jugs or carafes, filled and stored in your refrigerator until needed.
- Inexpensive
- No professional Installation needed
- Easily removed when leaving premises
- Can provide chilled water easily
- Filtration is less extensive
- Reverse Osmosis sytems not availble
- Upright Filter systems can remain visible
Choosing to Improve your environment, Nutrition and Health – Final Product Choices
Consumers should always allow for the time and expense they’re willing to invest in each area. Budgetary concerns are almost always a factor in any buying decision. We have attempted to provide a cross-section of the Best Compost Bins, Kitchen Compost Bins, Watering Systems and Clean Water Filter solutions available from reputable sources and at very competitive prices. We have also sort to offer some budget-conscious options.
Reducing landfill, improving nutrition, supporting water quality through controlling run-off and protecting your health with pure water intake all make sense and are all within our reach. We hope the articles found here will assist you in each of those efforts. Remember, A healthier world starts at your place!